Concentration in Entrepreneurship
Want to be your own boss and start a business? Or perhaps you dream of working at a big company, and want to stand out from the crowd as an employee who is entrepreneurial? If you answered “yes” to either of those questions, the Concentration in Entrepreneurship may be a perfect fit for you. Based on student demand, we expanded our entrepreneurship curriculum by adding the new concentration in fall 2018.
The Concentration in Entrepreneurship falls under the Major in Business Administration within the Feliciano School of Business. The Concentration in Entrepreneurship would be available to business school students only. However, any undergraduate student of any major can pursue our Minor in Entrepreneurship or Certificate of Entrepreneurship.
Students in the Concentration in Entrepreneurship would need to fulfill all of the requirements for the Major in Business Administration, including 33 credits of required business courses plus the required Career Learning courses. The Concentration in Entrepreneurship also requires 27 credits, including:
- ENTR 201 “Entrepreneurial Mindset” (3 credits)
- ENTR 301 “Startup Business Model (3 credits) AND ENTR 302 “Pitch and Launch Your Startup” (3 credits)
ENTR 303 “Start and Pitch Your Startup” (6 credits) - ENTR 420 “Grow Your Startup” (3 credits)
- Three Entrepreneurship Electives (total of 9 credits)
- Two Business Major Electives (total of 6 credits) – see Degree Works for full list of options
For more information about the Concentration in Entrepreneurship, contact
We can also provide info about doing a double concentration within Business Administration. The only prerequisite to take ENTR 201, the first course in our sequence, is freshman English so it is possible to start early on our courses.
Another attractive feature of the Concentration in Entrepreneurship is that you could use your 9 credits of entrepreneurship electives to obtain our Certificate in Innovation Design.